

SK bioscience’s effort reaches beyond development and manufacture of premium vaccines
and extends to working with domestic and overseas partners to create a healthy future for mankind.

In-house Products

SKYCellflu® Quadrivalent Prefilled Syringe 사진

SKYCellflu® Quadrivalent Prefilled Syringe

(cell culture-___base___d influenza vaccine)

  • Classification Prescription medicine
  • Therapeutics classificationInfluenza vaccine
  • Ingredients/content2 kinds of subtype A and 2 kinds of subtype B of purified inactivated influenza virus surface antigen

Colorless and transparent prefilled syringe containing clear or slightly opalescent liquid solution

Dosage forms and strengths

2 kinds of subtype a and 2 kinds of subtype b of purified inactivated influenza virus surface antigen

Indications and usage
  • Prevention of influenza diseases caused by influenza A viruses and
  • influenza B viruses contained in this vaccine for adults and children 6 months of age and older.
Dosage and administration
  • 1. Administration schedule and dose
    • The following dose shall be injected intramuscularly, and the same dose shall be repeated once annually.
      • 1) Children 6 months of age and older and adults: inject 0.5 ml once.
      • 2) However, children under 9 years of age who have not been previously vaccinated against influenza shall be vaccinated with two doses at an interval of at least 4 weeks in the first year of vaccination.
  • 2. Mode of administration
    • Inject intramuscularly at brachial deltoid muscle using a needle attached to the prefilled syringe.
    • For infants aged 6 months to 3 years, inject intramuscularly at the anterolateral thigh (or brachial deltoid muscle if muscle mass is sufficient).
How supplied

0.5 ml/prefilled syringe x in-house package unit (1, 5, 10, 20)


Store at 2-8°c in an airtight container away from light without freezing.