Management for Human Rights
To realize the value of respecting human rights
We declare its endorsement of the UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights,the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
and the Declaration in Fundamental Principles and Right at Work of the International Labor Organization and its decision
to implement the following human rights policies.
Human rights policy
We respect all members as human beings and strive to prevent any act that violates human rights.
We understand the wages of employees should exceed the minimum level set by the labor relation laws of each country or region in which we are operating. We will endeavor to ensure that the wage is life-sustaining.
We do not force members to work against their free will subject to mental or physical restraints, including slavery and human trafficking, and do not require the transfer of government-issued IDs, passports or work permits as a condition of employment.
We do not discriminate in employment on any grounds such as gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc. and do not discriminate in working conditions such as payment, promotion, etc. for the same reasons.
We do not employ children and youths under the age of 15.
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are guaranteed in accordance with the labor-related laws of each country or region, and there is no disadvantage for membership, activity, or formation of a labor union.
We hire minors under the age of 18, in a strict compliance with labor-related laws and shall not have them engaged in dangerous and hazardous work.
We endeavor continuously to create a good working environment and prevent safety accidents by staying compliant with all applicable international/local standards, and laws on the working environment.
For the regular working hours and overtime, we shall follow the standards as set by the labor laws of each country or region in which we are operating.
For practical human rights protection, we faithfully implement our human rights due diligence process to prevent risks and protect human rights.